Electronic Plan Requirements
- Submit documents in PDF format only.
- Submit each document separately. A plan set is one document; a site plan is a separate document.
- Maximum size of a document is 250MB.
- A document file name should describe what the document is, for example: plan set, architectural plan set, site plan, structural calculations, etc.
- Do not use any of the following characters in the file name: ! * _ | ; : @ & = = $ , / ? % # [ ] ' " < > |
- Check the page orientation of ALL the pages in the plan set to ensure that no pages are upside down or flipped on their side.
- Submit documents in PDF format only.
- Submit each document separately. A plan set is one document; a site plan is a separate document.
- If revising an original document, submit the entire document with the changes clouded.
- The revised document must have at least the same amount of pages and in the same order as the original submittal, new pages may be added at the end.
- Maximum size of a document is 250MB.
- All revision/correction document file names should begin with REV. If revising an original document, use the original file name and add REV at the beginning. Do not use any of the following characters in the file name: ! * _ | ; : @ & = = $ , / ? % # [ ] ' " < > |
- Check the page orientation of ALL the pages in the plan set to ensure that no pages are upside down or flipped on their side.
- A completed Plan Revision Cover Sheet must accompany all revisions.