If you wish to pay your fines/fees in full; payments may be made with cash, check, money order or debit/credit card at the front counter during normal business hours. Payments may also be accepted via mail using check or money order made payable to Des Moines Municipal Court. You can also pay your fines online using the NCourt link below. Please include your citation number on all checks/money orders. DO NOT SEND CASH!


Unified Payment (UP) Program
Setting you UP to succeed!
Is your license suspended due to multiple traffic tickets in multiple courts in King County? Then the UP Program is for you!
If you have tickets in:
Algona |
Enumclaw |
Maple Valley |
Sammamish |
Auburn |
Federal Way |
Medina |
SeaTac |
Bellevue |
Hunts Point |
Mercer Island |
Seattle |
Black Diamond |
Issaquah |
Newcastle |
Shoreline |
Bothell |
Kenmore |
Normandy Park |
Skykomish |
Burien |
Kent |
North Bend |
Snoqualmie |
Carnation |
King County |
Pacific |
Tukwila |
Clyde Hill |
Kirkland |
Redmond |
Woodinville |
Des Moines |
Lake Forest Park |
Renton |
Yarrow Point |
Duvall |
These courts are participants in the UP Program, allowing a consolidated payment plan for people with fines in multiple courts in King County. (People with fines in only one jurisdiction should contact that court for information on their relicensing program.)
Here's how it works:
- Court customers with suspended licenses - due to failure to respond/pay - contact a court where they have fines; they will receive the necessary documentation needed to complete the online application.
- Using the documentation provided by the court, the customer will submit an online application.
- Once the payment agency receives the first installment, participating courts will be notified and they will notify the Washington State Department of Licensing that the hold can be removed from the person's driver's license.
- For more information, please contact any King County Municipal or District Court.
To Make an UP Payment: