Support Services (Probation)

Support Services (formerly known as Probation Services)

Why was I referred to Support Services?
You may be referred to Support Services for assistance in finding treatment, appropriate classes, housing, employment, education or to just speak to a specialist about goal setting and your obligations to the court. A specialist or case manager will monitor or supervise your case upon conviction or if assigned during your pre-trial phase.

Monitored Probation/Case Management
The case manager monitors your compliance with court orders including treatment, law abiding behavior, jail/jail alternatives and community service through file checks on a recurring basis for the length of your jurisdiction.

Active Supervised Probation/Case Management
A case manager meets with you, the client, one-on-one in an office setting or virtually to monitor compliance with court orders, treatment, law abiding behaviors. During these sessions goal-setting and life skills may also be addressed. Case Management appointments occur as deemed appropriate by the case manager and risk assessment tools. You will be on Active Supervised Probation for as long as court ordered.

What will happen if I violate conditions of the court orders?
While on monitoring/supervision, you are expected to make your appointments and abide by the orders of the court – the conditions of your sentence. If you fail to appear for an appointment with your case manager (if ordered) or violate a condition of your court order, a warrant may be issued and/or you may receive a summons to appear in court to answer to the allegation. It is important that you keep your address current with Support Services and the court at all times.

What kind of relationship can I expect to have with my case manager?
Your case manager not only serves the court, but also is available to you as a resource. If you need a referral source, for instance, help finding a treatment provider, a court ordered class, or a place to do community service, do not hesitate to contact Support Services. Whether you are on monitored or active case management you can utilize the services of Support Services. The specialists are here to help you succeed. Remember, however, that Support Services is not your attorney and should not be a substitute for consulting with your lawyer regarding your case. Your relationship with the case manager is not confidential.

Contact Us

Support Services Specialist
[email protected]