Before, During and After
"Before, During & After" is a podcast for emergency managers. Join us for insights into where emergency management is headed, conversation about preparing for the threats of tomorrow and how everyone has a role in keeping communities safe from disaster. Click here to learn more!
Summer Heat Preparation
Extreme heat is the deadliest weather-related hazard in the United States. Washington summers are getting longer, hotter, and potentially more dangerous. Extreme heat events (heat waves) are predicted to happen more often and last longer due to climate change.
Heat-related deaths are preventable. The best way to prevent heat-related illnesses and death is to follow hot weather safety precautions.
Fall and Spring
Fall and spring are great times of year to check your preparedness!
Disasters happen - are you 2 weeks ready? Emergency Preparedness starts with each one of us! A few hours a month can make the difference - take action now!
Get Ready King County – Use this workbook to review your plan each year!
Winter Storm Preparation
How to prepare for a Winter Storm
Winter Weather Preparedness
5 Things to Know about Winter Weather Forecasts
School Closures
City of Des Moines
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
King County Regional Trusted Partner Network
A step toward equity in disaster response
- Are you passionate about community safety?
- Are you connected and trusted in your community?
- Are you able to use a smartphone and email?
- Do you read and speak English? Are you bilingual?
- Can you spend 15 minutes a month to share important emergency information with your community?
If you answered yes to these, consider joining the Trusted Partner Network!
What is the Trusted Partner Network? Click this link for information and this link for a video.
Community Volunteers Needed - Find out how to get involved!

Shake Alert - Earthquake Early Warning
ShakeAlert® is an earthquake early warning (EEW) system that detects significant earthquakes so quickly that alerts can reach many people before shaking arrives. ShakeAlert is not earthquake prediction, rather a ShakeAlert Message indicates that an earthquake has begun and shaking is imminent.
What is ShakeAlert? – Here is a short video (English / Spanish) about ShakeAlert and how it works.
How do I sign up for Shake Alert? Use this link to find the best way to sign up for Shake Alert.
Community Emergency Response Team

You can make a difference in our community by using the CERT training we offer to save lives and protect property.
On a normal day, emergency services personnel are the best trained and equipped to handle emergencies and we all count on them for their expertise. However, following a catastrophic disaster, emergency response personnel may not be able to help everyone immediately, because of the size of the area affected, loss of communications, and impassable roads.
CERT training gives you the skills to help save and sustain lives following a disaster until help arrives.
CERT session are offered annually through the City of Des Moines Emergency Management Department.
Course Description
Community Preparedness
Preparedness is the foundation for building resilient communities. While King County and the City of Des Moines Emergency Management focuses on preparing our whole community for disasters, you also have a role to play in emergency preparedness. By planning ahead, you can increase your ability to survive and thrive in the face of disaster, everything from an earthquake to a major winter storm.
Click on the following links for ways to make yourself, your workplace, and your community more prepared:
Federal Emergency Management Agency Training
The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers self-paced free online courses through their Emergency Management institute. They are designed not only for emergency management professionals, but also the general public. Below are few specific courses we encourage residents or organizations to take.
Organizations (schools, faith-based, businesses, community-based)
King County also provides free training to community groups and organizations.
General Preparedness
Preparing with Kids
Other Considerations